Thich Nhat Hanh On How Your Body Needs You befriending body thich nhat hanh Jan 26, 2022

“Go back and take care of yourself. Your body needs you...your feelings need you. The wounded child in you needs you. Your suffering needs you to acknowledge it. Go home and be there for all these things."

― Thich Nhat Hanh 

from Reconciliation: Healing the Inner Child

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Journal Prompt: Natural ease ease journal journal prompt Dec 09, 2021

Stream of consciousness journalling can be a remarkable way to connect with the wisdom that's right there within your body; to connect with your inner wisdom.

Stream of consciousness journalling is a way of expressing yourself that intentionally breaks the rules of language, so that deep knowing...

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Why I Call Myself A Self-Worth Recovery Partner self-worth Oct 20, 2021

I've recently changed how I describe what I do.

When I first began the It Begins To Move Studio, I called myself a "yoga therapist."  That's the certification that I had, so it seemed obvious to call myself that.  And at the time, it was prestigious.  It took a long time and lots...

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Clarity In A Desire For Something Different Sep 21, 2021

Do you desire change?

We all hope and try for change in many areas:

  • Change in our lifestyle habits: eating better, sleeping and exercising regularly
  • Change in our relationships: If only they would stop..., or, I will be more tolerant of...
  • Change in our energy allocations: I will be MORE...
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What Begins To Move Exactly? complex trauma stuckness unlearning unwinding Sep 07, 2021

Do you ever feel like you repeat the same dynamics, no matter how much you genuinely want things to change? Or no matter how much work you've actively put into making changes?

Well, there may be a legitimate reason that something different seems...just out of reach, or feels...

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What Friendliness Leaves You With attachment attunement befriending friend interpersonal neurobiology polyvagal theory Aug 25, 2021

This is the transcript from The Felt Sense Podcast, Ep. 4

Hey there! MacPherson here, from It Begins To Move. This is the last episode in a series of 4 about Befriending Yourself. Today I’ll continue talking about friendliness, and the very important role it serves in healing, feeling calm...

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Complex Trauma: The Problem and Solution complex trauma Aug 19, 2021

Complex trauma is tricky. 

No one DESERVES the emotional pain that comes from complex trauma. Not at all.

It's NOT a gift.

However, if the lousy stinkin' feelings are already there, they can become tools that point towards what happiness, joy and connection are for you.

I believe...

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Social or Relational Devastation Can Be Just As Scary As A Tornado complex trauma Aug 19, 2021

Trauma is the result of anything that is too much for you to handle.  It's anything that creates a protective change in your nervous system, as a result of not having an opportunity to heal or unwind from the original experience. 

While no one can ever be prepared for the...

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The Best Kind of Friend, When You're Having A Hard Time befriending friend Aug 18, 2021

Transcript from The Felt Sense Podcast, Ep. 3

Hey there! MacPherson here, from It Begins To Move. This is the 3rd in a series of 4 episodes on Befriending Yourself. Today I’ll continue talking about friendliness, and the very important role it serves in healing, feeling calm and regulated....

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Unlearning Self-Hatred befriending friend unlearning Aug 17, 2021

Unlearning self-hatred is the most freeing and life giving act.  

It's a radical process that simultaneously allows room for all the pain,

and all your light.

- MacPherson Worobec, It Begins To Move


I was angry that I had to do this process of unlearning in the first place.


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Making Friendly Space befriending friend Aug 11, 2021

Transcript from The Felt Sense Podcast, Ep. 2

Hey there! MacPherson here, from It Begins To Move. This is the 2nd in a series of 4 episodes on Befriending Yourself. Today I’ll continue talking about friendliness, and the very important role it serves in healing, feeling calm and regulated....

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Friendly Regard befriending friend Aug 06, 2021

Transcript from The Felt Sense Podcast, Ep. 1

Hey there! I’m so looking forward to talking with you about friendliness this month!  Because friendliness is really at the heart of healing, feeling calm and regulated.  It’s actually at the heart of feeling safe.  And...

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This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to you to educate you about healthy movement and self awareness and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not medical, psychological, or psychotherapeutic advice, treatment, or diagnosis. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment. Updated full Disclaimer coming soon.